Transfer Rx
Move your prescription over to Shady Cove Pharmacy for the friendliest service provided by a bunch of folks who know you by name.
Come on in and get your COVID, RSV, Flu and other vaccinations right here! Our skilled team can usually get you in and out right away.
Durable Medical Equipment
Our Durable Medial Equipment (DME) department is set up with everything you need for a quick patch-up or for the long haul.
Medicare Part D Plan Finder
Our sister agency, Cascades Insurance, is ready to answer all of your Medicare questions or help you find the right plan.
Our Services

We’ve got lots of dietary and nutritional goods, from wallet-friendly to highly-specialized. While we’re well stocked, we can also quickly order anything you might be seeking. Step on up and speak with our pharmacist about options.

Having trouble keeping up with your meds? Tired of running to the pharmacy all the time? Our Medication Synchronization program will sync up all your meds so you can grab them on one day each month. Give us a shout to start.

Veterinary Prescriptions
Hunting down meds for your furry pals isn’t always easy. Fear not, we offer veterinary medications right here at Shady Cove. Let us help you make your chores simple with just-right (even tasty) meds for your pets and livestock.
Shady Cove Pharmacy
is Just Right
In our neck of the woods, Shady Cove is more than just a place—it's a family. We're proud to be part of this community, throwing our weight behind local causes, and making sure our community's needs come first.
We're not your run-of-the-mill pharmacy—we're licensed pros who are ready to help! With our Nationally Board Certified Pharmacist and experienced staff you're in the hands of bona fide experts.
Our crew aren't unknown faces—they're your next-door neighbors! We know you by name, and a smile's always in our back pocket. Count on us to go that extra mile and get all your questions squared away.